McGarry (Dunloy), Eddie

McGarry (Dunloy)

March 08, 2019

McGarry (Dunloy) Friday 08 March 2019
Eddie R.I.P. beloved husband of Wilma, loving father of Mary (Kealey), Anne (Magee), Geraldine (Carey) and Eileen (Delargy) and cherished grandfather of Patrick, Conor and Eamonn. Funeral from his late residence, 26 Cairnview, on Monday at 10:30am for 11 o’clock Requiem Mass in St. Joseph’s Church, Dunloy. Interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery. Jesus of the Devine Mercy pray for him. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, daughters, sons-in-law, grandsons, sisters Margaret, Eilish and Moira, brother Barney and entire family circle. Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu, if desired, to Chest, Heart & Stroke c/o Mc Kiernan & Sons, 45-47 Maghera St. Kilrea BT51 5QL. House Private Please.

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